Determination of Acrylamide in Branded and Non-branded Potato Chips by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Acrylamide, a starchy food process contaminant is carcinogenic, neurotoxic and genotoxic substance. It is formed at temperatures of 100°C- 220°C. The chips are very popular food items especially among children. Deep Frying of chips may cause production of acrylamide. The presence of acrylamide in chips may result in severe health issues in consumers especially in children. By keeping this aspect in view, the present study was conducted to determine acrylamide in different potato chips of branded and non-branded quality. The highest amount of acrylamide was determined in chips sample K obtained from local store (nonbranded) in Lahore i.e. 2649.80 µg/kg and the lowest concentration of acrylamide was detected in sample taken from local vendor i.e. 390.25 µg/kg. The astounding results were obtained as branded chips have considerable amount of acrylamide. Formation of acrylamide in fried chips is matter of concern as potato chips are widely consumed in Pakistan especially by children. It is dire need to have awareness of this probable carcinogen as consumers and industries still have no knowledge about this chemical’s carcinogenity. Therefore, without delay work should be started to mitigate the acrylamide levels in food commodities during processing
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