A Preliminary Assessment and Control Strategy of Size Segregated Pollutants in Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Metropolitan Faisalabad, Pakistan
In recent years, Pakistan has experienced severe and persistent air pollution associated with urbanization and industrialization and it has substantial affects on ecosystem and air quality. In urban and peri urban areas, maximum TSP concentration was observed at Satiana Road (987 µm-3) and Chak 215 RB (1123 µgm-3). Similarly, maximum PM10 concentration was recorded at Gutte Wala (782ug m-3) and Chak 215 RB (893 µg m-3), while maximum PM2.5 concentrations was observed at Madina Food Mill (621 ug m-3) and Chak 215 RB (654 µgm-3). The statistical results suggested that there is significant difference between urban and peri-urban areas. Majority of size segregated pollutants including TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 were found with higher values than the United States Environmental Protection agency (US-EPA), national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS), world health organization (WHO) and national environmental quality standards for Pakistan (NEQS-Pak) limits for both urban and peri-urban areas, only 4%, 8% and 4% for TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 in urban and TSP (40%) PM10 (60%) and PM2.5 (44%) samples in peri urban samples were found under prescribed guidelines. Furthermore, we have also compared metropolitan size segregated pollutant (PM10) with other Pakistan and Asian metropolitan’s cities’ and purposed strategy to control it.
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