Aroma component analysis using HS/SPME-FID Gas Chromatograph in Basmati rice varieties of Punjab, Pakistan
Rice grain aroma is a promising quality factor that influence consumer acceptability. The principal volatile compound that contributes Basmati rice fragrance is 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP). Milled White rice samples of promising Basmati rice varieties (Super Basmati, Basmati-515, Basmati 2000, Basmati 370) were analyzed for fragrant volatile compounds by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with Solid Phase Micro Extraction unit (SPME) using Flame ionizing Detector (FID). Six volatile compounds (Nonanal, Decanal, and alcohols such as benzyl alcohol, Indole) were identified in the tested varieties, among them 2-AP is only present in aromatic rice varieties. This study confirmed the occurrence of 2-AP in all studied varieties with highest concentration in Super Basmati followed by Basmati-515, Basmati 2000 and Basmati 370.
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